Thursday, September 1, 2016

Bike Heaven

It is 10 days and counting since we have driven and rented/owned a car! We are now a family without a car payment, car insurance, car repair, car wash, car commutes, car........ 

One of perks of not having a car is getting an awesome new bike and easily getting in 14 to 20,000 steps a day, piece of cake! To find bikes we looked high and low and did extensive research.... actually my sister-in-law showed us the sales brochure for the largest bike store in Germany and the following day we hopped in the rental car and went here 


Once you are inside its bikes, bikes, bikes and more bikes as far as the eye can see.

There are many types of bikes :) 

Green bikes, red bikes, pink bikes, blue bikes, 

bikes with 1 wheel, 3 wheels, 

wheels and motors, 

bikes with baskets and 

bikes with little people movers. 


Before deciding on a bike you get to test them out on the BikeBahn and along the store aisles ;)


Finally we made decisions! We bought beautiful black Triumphs. Ten days later I picked up one bike and rode the 54 kilometers back home, piece of cake! 

The bike paths are AWESOME! Bike paths connect the towns like a pearl necklace. The paths follow the canals, travel along the train routes and make bike travel from one town to the next so direct, easy and safe. Here are some of the highlights along the way. 
The connecting bike paths were marked with posts

A windmill home

 There was beautiful scenery all along the way. Architectural highlights, corn fields and lakes dotted the path.

Happy Bicycling! 


  1. This is so fun! What a great adventure. I want a bike to ride around more on too. <3

  2. So cool to read this, Soraya! It's exciting to see how your life in Germany is developing.....

  3. So cool to read this, Soraya! It's exciting to see how your life in Germany is developing.....

  4. I'm so happy for you, just what you were hoping for!! How do I sign up to receive your blog posts? Would love to follow your adventures. Hopefully someday soon we can come and visit.

    1. Hi Leslie, Thanks for asking :) There is now a gadget on the top right column to enter your email to receive emails when a new post is out.
      Come visit soon!

  5. That comment above was from Leslie Gehring, not sure why it comes up as unknown!
